#WombFire Of The Week: Kendall Parker (PHOTOS)

#WombFire Of The Week: Hey, Kendall!

Wombfire (noun, hashtag) 1. a child so amazingly cute that they figuratively set your womb ablaze. 2. when your reproductive system (i.e. womb) tingles with maternal excitement, potentially breaks out into Beyoncé choreography and/or prompts spontaneous family planning (i.e. running home to make a baby). 3. hashtag used to illustrate flurry of emotion described above (i.e. "This baby is giving me major #wombfire" or "#Wombfire alert!")

Cutie: Kendall Parker
Age: 2-years-old
Mom: Whitney Parker (Children’s boutique owner, wardrobe stylist and educator)
Dad: Ricky Parker (Fashion designer and creative consultant)
Hometown: Hyattsville, Maryland
What's the best piece of advice you were given about raising a child? Seek God for guidance and always create lasting memories.


Fill-in-the-blank with Kendall...

1. I'd have to say my cutest moment was when Mommy asked if I were a boy or girl and I said I was a princess.

2. If I could eat "Dora The Explorer" treats everyday I would be the happiest girl in the world.

3. If I had to describe my style it would be: Pretty like a princess.

4. When I grow up I want to be a princess. (Naturally)

5. I can always put a smile on my mommy and daddy's face by doing Daddy’s hair and twirling like a ballerina.

6. My dream playdate would be with Doc McStuffins.

7. My favorite song to dance to is "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction.

Let's go shopping!

Kendall Parker

Check out last week's wombfire HERE...and keep the CUTE coming! If you've got a #wombfire or know someone who does, let us know by adding the hashtag #wombfire to your Twitter, Instagram and/or Facebook photos. We'll be in touch if we decide to feature your cutie as a #Wombfire Of The Week.

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