Let Us Now Praise The Unsung Heroes/Heroines of The Voting Booths

In my 24/7 nail-biting terror that the election will be snatched and stolen from Obama, I was reminded that there are many people, committed and dedicated, who work exceedingly hard on Election Day.
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Caught up in the recent dizzying crossfire of emails flying in an out concerning potential voter fraud, mishaps and "mismanagement", I happened to forward one, without thinking, to a friend of mine, the Town Clerk ( for the past 10 1/2 years) of Nantucket Massachusetts, Catherine Flanagan Stover.

In my 24/7 nail-biting terror that the election will be snatched and stolen from Obama, Catherine reminded me that there are many people, committed and dedicated, who work exceedingly hard on Election Day and the time running up to it, people with the best intentions, real integrity and honor.

My nails are bitten to the quick and my Election Day angst will not recede until Obama is declared the winner today, but Catherine's words are, I think, worth noting. It's an interesting perspective on the election that most of us don't get to see:

"People have NO IDEA what happens in an election, and they're always looking for a conclusion to jump to.

"Speaking for the 500+ New England City and Town Clerks that I know personally, this sort of message is an insult. Every one of us bends over backwards to serve our voters. My office happens to be open from seven in the morning (before regular hours) so that workers may absentee vote.

"There are many test-runs of equipment, review of voting lists and double and triple checks of laws, returned ballots, and signatures.

"Every clerk I know has brain cells to spare, and guards against any manner of foolishness or hijinks that anyone could possibly think up.

"People never question the validity and security of their debit cards, and rarely does a store clerk ask for ID, even though the back of the credit card may say, 'Ask for ID.' Your vote, your ballot, your polling place are ten times more secure than your shopping cart. Clerks hover protectively over the process and agonize over how to help people more than you could possibly imagine.

"A pox upon all those who insist otherwise. It has been our experience that any problems that anyone may experience are due to their own negligence or lack of compliance with their state's election laws.

"In the month leading up to this election, we've only had one person admit that THEY were in the wrong. I wanted to allow them to vote ANYWAY because to have someone so honest was such a breath of fresh air. Sadly, I could not."

"I am almighty weary of this kind of crap.

"It's unkind, insulting, and untrue.

Catherine Flanagan Stover
Town Clerk
Nantucket, Massachusetts"

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