Immigration Insider | Election Day: Dirty Dozen, March to the Polls

Immigration Insider | Election Day: Dirty Dozen, March to the Polls
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Immigration Insider | Election 2010

Maribel Hastings talks to voters in Florida, Nevada, Arizona and Colorado. Will the attack ads on Latino immigrants suppress the vote, or spur turnout? Tune in Wed. at 1pm to find out. While Majority Leader Reid promises to bring up the DREAM Act in the lame-duck session, Senate Republicans want to know: how much would it cost to deport everyone? (Answer below.)

Welcome to Immigration Insider | Election Day 2010

Setting the Scene: “March to the Polls”: While you’re waiting for the results to roll in from Florida, Nevada, Arizona and Colorado, why not read dispatches from Maribel Hastings, who visited those states over the last few weeks to check up on Latino voter mobilization efforts and what voters (and abstainers) were saying? The full series is available in Spanish, but we’ve translated some of Maribel’s stories into English under the title “March to the Polls 2010.” Highly recommended.

“March to the Polls 2010:”

Find Out Tomorrow Why Latinos Voted Today: At 1pm Eastern tomorrow, I’ll be joining Gary Segura of Latino Decisions and other experts in Latino civic participation and immigration reform from NCLR, SEIU, and Mi Familia Vota Civic Participation Campaign to release a new series of polls to the press. The polls detail how Latino citizens voted in eight key states: AZ, CA, CO, FL, IL, NM, NV, and TX—and why. If you’re an interested member of the press, call Michael Earls at (202) 261-2388 for more info.

What We Know Now – Latino Voter Enthusiasm: From Latino Decisions’ last tracking poll, released yesterday: “We find a Latino vote more energized, more enthused, and significantly more Democratic than at the start of the general election campaign. Overall, with undecided voters pushed to make a decision, we report 70% vote intention for Democrats, and 30% for Republicans.” The percentage of Latinos reporting they were certain to vote climbed to 76.5%—a ten-point jump over the last six weeks.

The “Dirty Dozen” of Anti-Immigrant Fearmongering… We decided to round up the most extreme statements of the 2010 election cycle and call out the politicians who espoused them. While “the Immigration “Dirty Dozen” is not exhaustive –the offensive stereotypes and ridiculous allegations keep on coming—it’s amazing to see it all in one place. Take a look at the depths politicians have sunk this year to scapegoat and fear-monger against Latinos and immigrants— and let’s hope the days of anti-immigrant politicking are numbered.

The Immigration ‘Dirty Dozen’:

…And Trying To Intimidate Latino Voters at the Polls: Anti-immigrant politicians have responded to news of massive GOTV mobilizations and early-voting surges by raising the specter of thousands of “illegal alien” voters. One group, Ban Amnesty Now (BAN), sent out an email last week under the signature of Maricopa County Sheriff (and BAN co-chair) Joe Arpaio, who asked for a “grassroots army” of “voter fraud prevention volunteers” to give the evil eye to anyone who is, well, wearing illegal-looking shoes (i.e. Latinos). Arpaio claims he didn’t write the email, and has severed ties with BAN, but the Justice Department will be sending election monitors to Maricopa County. Hopefully, with the momentum GOTV efforts have been building over the last few weeks, voters will know their rights in Arizona and beyond.

More on the “Protect Our Vote” effort:

You’ve Got Two Choices Today, America…

Congress Under Democratic Control: During an interview with Univision’s Jorge Ramos on Sunday, Harry Reid promised to bring the DREAM Act up for a Senate vote during the lame-duck session. Seventy percent of Americans support the common-sense measure.

Or Congress Under Republican Control: The seven Republicans who sit on the Senate Judiciary Committee sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano asking how much money her department “needs to deport every illegal immigrant the government encounters,” according to the Los Angeles Times. Economists have already pegged the cost of deporting all undocumented immigrants in the U.S. at upwards of $285 billion, while the GDP would suffer a $2.6 trillion loss over ten years due to mass deportation.

More on the staggering cost of mass deportation:

Now stop reading this, and go vote!


@LatinoPolitics: Sharron Angle Leaves Henry Reid’s Amnesty Game Website Up, while Hasbro Takes Action: #NVSen @HarryReid #immigration

@Aterkel: Sharron Angle campaign gets cease and desist letter from Hasbro over Harry Reid Amnesty Game.

@VivirLatino: Con la Vista al Voto : Sheriff Joe’s Latino Voter Suppression Army | VivirLatino

@Maneegee: We.Are.Not.At.War.With.Mexico. RT @GovBrewer AZ is on the front line. Read my statement following 9th Circuit Hearing

@favianna: Polls open in 2 days -Not #voting? Look who is: #p2 #altoarizona #latino #sb1070

@Alltop_Latism Via @nprnews: Prison Economics Help Drive Arizona Immigration Law |

@MatthewSoerens Evangelicals pray for @Kirk4Senate to support #DREAMAct Staffer response: We don’t want your prayer

@MHOneonOne Robert DePosada, who told Latinos “Don’t Vote,” has voted // More Do as I say, not as I do! #LatinoVote

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Cross-Posted at America's Voice and Daily Kos.

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