5 Simple Ways to Take Care of Yourself Every Day

Taking good care of your health isn't easy, but it doesn't have to be complicated either. Simple steps, taken every day, can improve your health and help you feel great.
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happy and healthy young woman with open arms against blue sky feeling freedom
happy and healthy young woman with open arms against blue sky feeling freedom

Sometimes it seems like living a healthy life has become way too complicated. "Experts" shower us with new health information every week, sometimes every day. They encourage us to do this, don't do that, buy this, and avoid that. Honestly, it just seems overwhelming. Even though I consider myself a health information "junkie," I sometimes throw up my hands trying to figure out which advice makes sense and which is best ignored. 2015-11-07-1446908410-4123625-Healthywomanballoons.jpg

But it really doesn't have to be that complicated. More often than not, the simplest advice is the best advice. And when we're already living busy, stress-filled lives, simple health advice is exactly what we need. So if you want to live healthier without feeling overwhelmed, here are 5 simple things you can do every day:

• Stand more. Have you heard that "sitting is the new smoking?" Research has shown that sitting too much is bad for our health - it affects our bones, hearts, brains and muscles. And most of us spend way too much time sitting each day. So spend some time standing every day. If you work at a desk, make or buy a standing desk and alternate sitting and standing. If you tend to sit while doing household tasks, stand up instead. Stretch and move around while watching TV. Stand at the back of the room at meetings or events. Be conscious of the time you spend sitting, and replace it with standing whenever possible.

• Walk more. Exercise is key to your physical and mental health, but many people find it difficult to exercise regularly. Fortunately, though, walking is a great exercise - and it's the one exercise you can squeeze into every day. So walk while your kids are at soccer practice or piano lessons. Walk while talking with a friend. Walk with a co-worker when you need to talk about a project. Walk with your spouse after dinner to catch up on your days. Your body was designed to move, so get up and move throughout the day, every day.

• Sleep more. Although most adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night, many get far less. But sleep makes a tremendous difference in your health. It reduces your risk of heart disease and high blood pressure, helps reduce anxiety and depression, promotes healthy skin, and boosts libido. Not to mention makes you feel like a new person! So make it a priority to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. That might mean saying no to some things or reigning in your family's schedule and activities. Or it might mean shutting off electronic devices earlier in the evening and taking some time to relax and unwind. Whatever it takes, decide that you and your health are worth a good night's sleep, then make it happen.

• Drink more water. Water helps all of your body's systems and processes function more efficiently. It also helps you feel less fatigued and more energized. But water advice tends to be complicated, so how do you know how much to drink? In general, the standard recommendation to drink 6 to 8 8-ounce glasses a day is a good place to start, because most people don't drink nearly that much. (When you're drinking enough water, your urine will be pale yellow.) So find a water bottle or glass you like, fill it several times a day, and drink up. If you don't like plain water, make your own fruit water. And take water with you everywhere you go, so aren't tempted to grab a soda when you get thirsty.

• Eat more fruits and vegetables. When it comes to health information, food advice wins prizes for "fickle" and "confusing!" One day it demands you do this, the next day it demands you do that. It seems like the more you read about what to eat, the less you know about what to eat. It's enough to make you give up and grab a bag of cheese puffs! But don't do it. Instead, follow the one piece of food advice almost everyone agrees on - fruits and vegetables boost every aspect of your health, and almost everyone needs to eat more fruits and vegetables. And a simple way to do that is to eat two fruits or vegetables at every meal. Make a meal plan and grocery list for each week that includes two fruits and vegetables per meal. Then take some time on the weekend to wash and prep them so they're ready to grab for cooking or munching on busy days. And be sure to download my free ebook, The Busy Woman's Guide to Quick and Healthy Meals. for more quick tips and healthy meal ideas.

Taking good care of your health isn't easy, but it doesn't have to be complicated either. Simple steps, taken every day, can improve your health and help you feel great.

Originally published at CalmHealthySexy.

Photo credit - Sunny Studio @ Fotolia


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