Be on TOP: Amazon Best-Selling Author Ryan Stewman Shares How to Elevate Sales from Personal Life Experiences

Be on TOP: Amazon Best-Selling Author Ryan Stewman Shares How to Elevate Sales from Personal Life Experiences
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Sales is not easy. Ask any Salesperson or Entrepreneur you know. Experienced or not, Sales is a craft that can only be better understood and exercised, not perfected.

Shark Tank Investor Mark Cuban once said "Sales cures all". But how can you get better at sales? Only a true salesperson can teach sales, and Ryan Stewman has established himself as a great success.

Whether it's from a business to business, or a business to client, Ryan uses his experiences to share with the aspiring entrepreneur or experienced salesperson, so that they can grow and be the best in their industry.

The Book of Secrets
What once started off as sales training from his company Hardcore Closer, designed to train people in sales, why not help more people through training them through a book?

The Elevator To The Top, now on Amazon, is his book filled with shining examples of how to close sales, prospect buyers and ask for referrals.

"Once you start reading this book, it will be hard for you to put it down. You'll also be pumped up to get out there and close some sales. Read this book today and let me take you on your personal journey on the elevator to the top."

The Spirit of the Superstars
"I've never had a job with a salary. I've always worked hourly + commission or just straight commission. I've been in sales since I was 13 years old."

A desire to embrace a work ethic, Ryan was offered a job in mortgages due to his sales records in a car wash business. Crazy right? Maybe not.

Noticed by one of the regular customers, Ryan was offered to be an Apprentice to the mortgage company she owned.

"I started out selling car washes in Plano, Texas. I became a record setting service advisor and I still hold sales and car count records at the wash where I worked."

The Bottom of the Iceberg
Although everyone recognizes Ryan today as the mega success he is today, not many people know the adversity he faced before he was successful.

Once a drug dealer who died of an overdose, Ryan was refibrilated back to life only to face criminal charges.

"I'll never forget that night. My girlfriend had broken up with me, and I was in a bad place."

Being the worst day in his life, he was facing a first-degree felony and was sentenced to a maximum security prison to serve 2 years after pleading guilty.

After being released from prison, employers saw this ex-con to be too much of a liability to society.

The Government passed the Dodd Frank Act, forcing Ryan to relinquish his Mortgage license due to his criminal record.

"I went from being one of the top producing mortgage people on the planet, to nothing. Overnight."

Failing to fit in with the workforce, Ryan discovered Internet and social media marketing.

"The year was 2010 and many business owners still thought Facebook and social media were just fads. I knew they were wrong. I knew I could help businesses make more sales by networking online with prospects."

The Light at the end of the Tunnel
Running social media pages for more than 70 business owners, Ryan found more work than he could take on himself. He then learned how to create online training programs so clients could manage their businesses with his methods.

Now 2016 with over 13 different products selling online, Ryan now has a six figure income a month! A month.......... While doctors earn the same in a year.

"I've built my entire business from scratch, with zero skills, and a felony record, to boot. I'm proof that no matter how many times you get kicked down, you can get back up even stronger if you try."

The key Ryan shares is to start now and not waste the precious time that we all have. It all just depends on you, whether you truly want the best for yourself or wallow in excuses.

"I myself literally went from prison to the penthouse, in the nicest building in Dallas, Texas. No matter what life may throw at you, you can turn it around and make the most of it. I did it. You can, too."

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