12 Tips for a Happier Home, Adapted From Nursery School

It's such a cliche to say that "I learned everything I need to know in kindergarten," but I find that sometimes the most basic ideas are quite effective.
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One of my resolutions is to treat myself like a toddler. I've found that much of the advice aimed at children is just as helpful for me.

For instance, I'm reading Nicole Malenfant's Routines and Transitions: A Guide for Early Childhood Professionals (non sequitur: a surprising name for a childhood expert). She lays out several strategies for teachers to use in establishing routines and transitions for children. I'm going to try to apply them to myself.

Here's a tips list, loosely adapted:

  1. Turn routines into games. My evening tidy up, while not quite a "game," is kind of fun and quite relaxing.

  • Control the level of noise. I'm much calmer when there's no TV or music playing in the background. (Except at night. Weirdly, my husband and I fall asleep to all-news radio.)
  • Organize space so it's attractive, well-organized, and well-lit. One of my most important "Secrets of Adulthood": Outer order contributes to inner calm.
  • Plan times each day for relaxing activities. Why is this so hard for adults?
  • Encourage a feeling of belonging, e.g., by displaying children's work and pictures. I have a resolution to cultivate a shrine.
  • Consider children's reactions when making an unavoidable change. I do better with routines and predictability. I don't react well when there's a sudden change in the schedule.
  • Balance indoor and outdoor activities. Just going outside into the sunlight gives a mood boost.
  • Make sure there's plenty of time to get things done without rushing. This makes a huge difference in my day-to-day happiness. In Happier at Home, I write a lot about my struggle to create an unhurried atmosphere at home.
  • Provide opportunities for curiosity and creativity.
  • Speak in a calm voice. This is a big issue in my home. We talk all the time about "a kind voice," and "a mean voice."
  • Explain the behavior you'd like to see in a clear, respectful way. Not "settle down," but "sit in your chair with your feet under your desk." Not "I could use a little help around here," but "please unload the dishwasher so we can get the dirty dishes out of the sink."
  • Meet people's basic needs. Children and adults need to eat, drink, go to the bathroom, rest, and spend time outside.
  • It's such a cliche to say that "I learned everything I need to know in kindergarten," but I find that sometimes the most basic ideas are quite effective.

    What would you add to this list? What lessons from nursery school?

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    Thanks! I really appreciate the help. Word of mouth is the BEST.

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