Arianna On The Rise Of HuffPost, Success, Failure, And Sleep

Watch: Arianna Talks Success, Failure, And Sleep
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Arianna discussed the rise of HuffPost, her successes and failures, and her interest in sleep in the second part of a CNN profile (watch part one here).

Asked to name her most important mentor, Arianna replied: "There's absolutely no question that there is no more important mentor for me than my mother was. Because she was so incredibly wise, and because she focused on wisdom rather than intelligence."

On HuffPost's partnership with Oprah Winfrey's OWN Network, Arianna sounded off on one of her favorite topics--getting enough sleep. She's enthusiastic, she said, about "growing more and more into this area of how we do stress in our lives, how we live lives of more meaning - and less exhaustion!"

But, when asked about a TED talk she gave on the subject, she disputed that her central message has been simply "get more sleep."

"What I actually said," she clarified, "was 'sleep your way to the top'! There is a special glow after a good night's sleep, when you feel really in the zone - you feel, bring it on!"

Watch the full segment below:

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