
Native Hawaiians will now have more say over use of sacred Mauna Kea summit by scientists.
Your own backyard is probably even on the list. Here's where to go and how to properly soak in the night sky.
NASA announced the discovery last week and claimed the origin "remains uncertain."
“It’s going to be a treat," said NASA’s Noah Petro.
It's the longest partial eclipse in 580 years and will be a sight to behold, astronomers say.
A solar eclipse, the G-7 summit and a U.S. border crossing round out this week's most stunning images.
A lunar eclipse, a wayward seal and California wildfires round out this week's best images.
A radio telescope in Puerto Rico is completely destroyed after collapsing. The 900-ton receiver platform plummeted more than 400 feet, crashing onto the reflector dish below.
Captured by the GREGOR telescope in Spain, the high-resolution pictures offer a new glimpse at the sun's magnetic field.
Captured "mini moons" have long been theorized. This is just the second one that's been spotted.