Climate Change

John Coleman Denies Climate Change On CNN
Yes, it's true that about a third of species we've evaluated are threatened with extinction, and that we've killed about half of all our wildlife in the past forty years. But with all the gloomy predictions being thrown about, you may not know that the Sixth Mass Extinction is not a done deal.
Senator McConnell appeared on KSR discussing climate change and gay marriage
Joe Kernen Compares Climate Change To 'Witchcraft' On CNBC
The world is not short of far-fetched ideas for transformative zero-emissions power stations. But while airborne drone-supported windfarms and dubious cold fusion generators are certainly nice to haves, they're not quite as bold as locating the power station itself outside Earth's atmosphere.
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a longtime member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, recently brushed aside concern that the wildfires currently scorching across his state and causing millions of dollars of damage have anything to do with climate change.