
Record-high temperatures across Europe have exacerbated regional droughts so heavily that dozens of German warships from World War II resurfaced in Serbia.
The region is experiencing its driest spell in at least 1,200 years, research shows.
“The time has long since passed to have real meaningful leadership in this aridification megadrought."
Officials described “explosive fire behavior” on Saturday as flames made runs through bone-dry vegetation caused by the worst drought in decades.
Serbia's capital is expected to hit 108 degrees Fahrenheit Saturday.
The Utah lake dropped to its lowest level ever for the second time in one year. Officials call for "urgent action" to combat the climate change-induced drought.
The "Last Week Tonight" host hit a developer with a deluge of barbs in a segment on water shortage.
The region is facing one of its worst droughts in four decades and humanitarian assistance has already been sapped by the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine.
Climate change is becoming a growing threat to schools, which are being forced to dismiss students because of extreme heat.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom is urging residents to conserve as the hot summer months approach.