
“It was just a big quick (gulp), gone,” said Patrick Brady, an astrophysicist at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.
Astronomers calculated that 1,715 stars in our galactic neighborhood have had an unobstructed view of Earth during human civilization.
Currently, astronauts just wear their underwear, gym clothes and everything else until they can’t take the filth and stink anymore, then junk them.
Debris from the explosive crash of the planet Theia into an infant Earth is also widely believed to have formed the moon.
The space agency has ruled out any chance of a particularly menacing asteroid called "Apophis" smacking Earth in 2068.
Natural underground caverns on the moon could store frozen samples of Earth’s species in order to protect biodiversity in the event of global catastrophe.
The largest and fastest asteroid of the year will zoom past in a week.
Scientists hope the samples will provide insight into the origins of the solar system and life on Earth.
Jupiter and Saturn will appear to be so close from Earth on Dec. 21 that they may look like one shining star.