Exxon Mobil

Guyana is a reminder of how imperialists, scoundrels and profiteers have wrecked entire countries.
Putin and Exxon have aimed relentlessly at ending U.S. sanctions, but scandal and Congress have now tied Trump's hands.
The secretary of state enters Moscow amid escalating tensions after the U.S. missile strike on Syria.
Darren Woods, who took over the oil giant after Tillerson became secretary of state, isn't likely to rock the boat.
Koch Industries, Exxon Mobil and Lyft are just a few of those sponsoring the parties.
Like many, many other responses on the day, it came back to stability and national security for Mr. Tillerson.
“This is a huge victory for democracy," a corporate watchdog group said of the court ruling.
In Cold War-era Hollywood, the good guys won. "Trump the Movie" is unlikely to end so well.
Both the president-elect and his pick for secretary of state have expressed skepticism about the sanctions.
“Mr. Tillerson’s cozy ties to Vladimir Putin and Russia would represent an untenable conflict at the State Department.”