For Profit Colleges

Rohit Chopra, formerly the nation’s student loan watchdog, joins an Education Department whose practices he repeatedly challenged.
Congress and the Obama administration seem to believe U.S. households don't need further protection from the financial industry.
The Obama administration is under fire after canceling student loans for just 1 percent of thousands of eligible borrowers.
The Education Department will cancel over $27.8 million of federal student loans owed by more than 1,300 former students at Heald College.
They probably thought that someone would remove the notes they left for the writer.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren and others are "profoundly dissatisfied" with the Obama administration's settlement with a for-profit college chain accused of cheating students and taxpayers.
A major for-profit college would also get some help.
"This settlement provides zero justice for the people who have been harmed by EDMC."
Education Management Corporation won't have to admit wrongdoing, which might prevent swindled students from discharging their federal loans.