Global Motherhood

UNICEF has been able to reach 67,000 students by setting up temporary learning spaces and renovating and expanding schools.
When Susan Sarandon receives a call from her daughter and granddaughter while on Lesbos, an amazing situation unfolds.
The conflict has forced more than 2,000 schools to close in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger.
"Maybe too much info for some, but I'm an angry mom right now."
Their chances of reaching their 5th birthdays have been drastically reduced.
The WHO is calling it an emergency within an emergency.
Wilde's photo received criticism and prompted a discussion about baby photos on social media.
West and Central Africa need about $30 billion a year to get access to universal sanitation and clean water.
But this study doesn't necessarily mean you should quit your meds.
UNICEF has launched mass screening for malnutrition in children under five across 25 districts.