Income Inequality

Only half of earners today make more than their parents did.
Stephen Moore also once noted that income inequality is a problem — and the solution is more billionaires.
The heir to the entertainment giant wrote a Washington Post op-ed based on her efforts to get Disney's leaders to fix the company's income gap.
The CEO couldn't explain to the California lawmaker how his own employee should deal with a $567 monthly shortfall.
My degree is hardly a topic of any conversation and certainly not a point of pride.
A new economic system is needed to tackle rampant inequality, says a new Oxfam report.
She said income inequality was a key reason for Saturday's unrest.
The midterm elections were a move in the right direction. But grave challenges remain.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants employees to have a seat at the boardroom table — several, in fact.
Lauren Greenfield's documentary is a dizzying (and flawed) portrait of our new, debased American dream.