
From a death to a job loss to an ended relationship, here's how experts handle loss.
Employees called the shift “a tremendous loss for LGBTQ media, journalism, and the world.”
The aerospace company pointed to "extraordinarily difficult challenges ahead."
"'Deciding to freelance' is a strange way of saying 'being forced into job insecurity,'" one person tweeted in response to the Fast Company piece.
When asked whether Mic had indeed let go of every single editorial employee apart from the site’s co-founder, a spokeswoman replied, “Yes that’s right.”
A demand for severance pay has turned into a broader campaign to protect retail workers from private equity firms.
Some 12 percent of Ford workers worldwide could be out of a job.
The bank did not specify which departments or regions would be impacted by the reductions.
The company fired the entire social team, but they still managed to share a few more tweets.
The layoffs come days after rumors of deep cuts at the storied tabloid.