
How to Make Money Selling Drugs makes the argument that we should end the war on drugs. As a former cop, my reasons are simple: Drug prohibition is bad for public safety, and it's never going to work. We can't arrest our way out of this problem. Take it from someone who tried for 34 years.
Lauren K. Johnson, a criminal defense attorney for Medical Marijuana User, tells Jacob Soboroff and Alyona Minkovski about a recent court ruling in favor of a marijuana user.
Colombia's Constitutional Court Friday approved the government's proposal to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of cocaine and marijuana for personal use.
Seducing 18-year-olds to fall in love or pretending to be friends and then tricking them into procuring small amounts of marijuana so they can charge them with felonies is beyond slimy and diametrically opposed to the officers' charge to "serve and protect."