
Burger-eating birds had "better body conditions" than crows in rural areas, researchers said, but the long-term effects of a fast-food diet are unknown.
The Marion County sheriff's deputy forgot he had taken a bite out of his McChicken earlier that day, authorities said.
Current and former employees of the fast food chain say managers ignored their concerns about groping and lewd comments.
Several 2020 contenders plan to join the fast-food employees in Fight for $15 protests this week when the chain's shareholders meet.
The Trump administration is rolling out a plan that would help insulate big franchisers from allegations of wage theft.
Trump invited the North Dakota State University football team for a fast-food celebration.
Stephen Colbert's "Late Show" made a few changes to the old TV spot.
President Donald Trump served McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Burger King to the Clemson University football team.
"I would think that's their favorite food," the president said before the team stops by on Monday.
Eyewitnesses said there was blood on the table and blood on the floor below the raccoon corpse.