minimum wage

It's been more than a decade since Congress passed an increase to the federal wage floor.
Republicans will highlight the projected job losses, but backers of a $15 wage floor say the benefits exceed the costs.
The 'Out of Reach' report shows the housing crisis is hitting renters hard, especially those earning the minimum wage.
Exotic dancers deal with harassment, discriminatory labor practices and club owners who find devious ways to limit their pay. Here's a look inside the battle to unionize stripping.
The senator and 2020 hopeful also spoke in support of a proposal to put an hourly employee on Walmart's corporate board.
Several 2020 contenders plan to join the fast-food employees in Fight for $15 protests this week when the chain's shareholders meet.
That makes it the fourth state just this year to sign off on $15.
New research highlights the high stakes of economic inequality, and its particular impact on women.
The Labor Department decision bodes well for companies that don't want minimum wage and other rules to cover their workers.