Neil deGrasse Tyson

Ever get curious about his career in exotic dance?
The famed astrophysicist says "there's no future" for a country that ignores science.
"You can say Earth is flat because we have free speech, but our Constitution doesn't grant that anything you say is correct."
"You don't have the option to say you don't believe E=mc2. It's true whether or not you believe it."
Federal funding for cultural programs is equivalent to what Americans spend annually on lip balm.
"We all want to Make America Great Again. But that won't happen until we first Make America Smart Again."
Columbia University physics and mathematics professor Brian Greene discusses the possibility that our entire universe could be an elaborate simulation run on a complex supercomputer.
Apparently, we have a problem with time and size.
Don’t forget Trump’s logic: “When you’re a star, they let you do it.”