
About 12,400 years after its death, this dog is having its day.
Scientists say it could have been a matter of culture.
This is the first discovery of its kind, scientists say.
Rare footprints indicate a pace of just 3 to 5 miles per hour, but the dinosaur that made them wasn't in a hurry.
The newly discovered Machimosaurus rex may have roamed southern Tunisia about 130 million years ago.
Sea bug brains from 520 million years ago have proved paleontologists wrong.
We can't see it or feel it. But as Lisa Randall says, dark matter may explain a lot about our universe--including the dinos' demise.
"It’s one of the weirdest turtles that ever lived."
The extinct creature is believed to have roamed the Earth between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago.