Silicon Valley

"You’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t," one woman said of attending these secret gatherings.
We'd like to apologize in advance to HuffPost readers who don't get their internet from Verizon.
‘Silicon Valley’ star T.J. Miller is accused of sexually assaulting a woman he attended college with at George Washington University. Miller and his wife Kate Gorney are strongly denying the allegations.
Hold a team meeting to let your employees know you have their back.
If it sounds sketchy as hell, that’s because it is. But one silicon valley company reckons it’s found the secret to staying young: injecting the blood of children and young adults. But does it work?
Four 2017 novels disrupt our obsession with Silicon Valley, and our romance with capitalism.
A new start-up promising convenience has raised controversy by proposing automated pantry boxes that would threaten small businesses.
"The net result of this systemic discrimination is that Google pays women less than men for comparable work," the suit says.
A new start-up promising convenience has raised controversy by proposing automated pantry boxes that would threaten small businesses.