Social Justice

I've recently received a flurry of inquiries regarding Joe Biden's Irish heritage, so thought that it might be interesting to share research I did in 2008 during the last election cycle.
Contrary to the impression one might get from some recent headlines, a new Indiana self-defense law does not authorize Hoosiers to wantonly open fire on police officers.
Rather than write another article on slavery and the serious issues facing our world, as Passover approaches, here is my Top 10 List of Enslavements, areas that I think are crucial to look at and explore.
How did the public get so hoodwinked by the divinity of Gandhi? The deification of Gandhi intentionally eclipsed Gandhi the real man.
Most people think Martin Luther King would be the last person to own a gun. Yet in the mid-1950s, as the civil rights movement heated up, King kept firearms for self-protection.