Social Media

Thank you Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg for making Schadenfreude convenient. It's as if we are enjoying the spectacle so much that we haven't noticed the cameras are now pointed at us. Who is laughing now?
Give how quickly false information can spread (and information in general), it's a good thing too to know whether someone really is a journalist or that really is the company's official account. And that's why accounts get verified.
Ever since Facebook revamped their Messages, there's been a filter placed on your inbox. The one that comes up automatically when you press the Messages icon is your "Inbox" where you get messages from your friends. But it turns out there's an "Other" inbox.
While it's certainly important to know and even try to understand, public opinion should be but one very small consideration when thinking about our role in, and relationship with, the world.