
Experts explain how bad single-use paper and plastic coffee cups are, and how to order your drinks more responsibly.
As climate change increasingly becomes a literal kitchen table issue, a new survey suggests that programs to electrify homes would be popular.
Money, mold, monotony — they all play a role in your attitude about leftover food.
The brand's CEO announced this week that it would be selling lab-grown diamonds to "create the same outcome as nature has created, but at a very, very different price."
Some Twitter users had a beef with the announcement — even though the website made the decision a year ago without fanfare.
The industry is churning it out, but only because you keep buying it. Here's what you can do to break the cycle.
Powerful lobbying groups are fighting to block cities from having a final say over building codes that could cut pollution and make energy bills cheaper.
Biden will need to woo states to adopt his climate agenda. It could prove tough.
Solar and wind are energy powerhouses until the sky is dark or the air is still. An ancient source of energy — the tides — could soon offer a predictable alternative.
Solar and wind are more reliable in catastrophes –– and we need them to slow the worsening climate crisis.