
The Clintons paid nearly $44 million in taxes from 2007 to 2014.
Wages and inequality get lip service and not much else.
"This is not how one rebounds from a three-year recession."
It's one thing to try to gain a political advantage by pointing out certain undesirable aspects of an opponent's background or record. But when a Senate democratic leader spreads baseless allegations without a shred of evidence, and uses the Senate floor to do so, that's one step too far.
Banks and equity funds that invest in charter schools in underserved areas can take advantage of a very generous tax credit, which they can combine with other tax breaks while they also collect interest on any money they lend out. Doing this, they can double their money in seven years.
The IRS has one job, and one job only -- to collect taxes. It measures its success or failure in its ability to collect as much in taxes as possible. To ask the IRS to estimate the tax liability of a taxpayer is akin to asking an alcoholic how much they can have without crossing the line -- the answer will always be "more."