
Organizers told the "Burners" to “conserve food, water, and fuel, and shelter in a warm, safe space.”
A specialized weather radio will get you life-saving updates when WiFi and power is out.
The hurricane center said it could survive briefly as a tropical storm and cross the U.S. border.
Republicans say people concerned about unprecedented heat around the world should just chill out.
The move comes as Congressional Democrats call on the administration to do more to protect workers amid scorching temperatures.
AAA cited last year’s “catastrophic hurricane season” in its decision to start limiting some of its home insurance policies in the Sunshine State.
CBS Chicago's chief meteorologist was reporting on the nearby storm when he warned co-workers it was time to seek shelter.
The lights are visible up to 600 miles away under clear conditions.
Heavy rain has spawned extreme flooding in New York’s Hudson Valley, killing at least one person and forcing road closures.
Smoke or heat. “Pick your poison,” said prediction center forecast operations chief Greg Carbin.