Line Begins for iPad 3

Line Begins for iPad 3
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Charlie Sheen has called those in line for the iPad 2 "trolls" -- setting off a wave of queues for the iPad 3. The iPad 3 is not due out until November, but that is not stopping these hearty souls with tiger blood running through their veins.

"Why would I want a half-baked product that Apple withheld key features from?" asked Jermaine Korla, a college student who has the 214th place in the iPad 3 line on 5th Avenue and 59th Street. Korla and the others are hoping to pressure Apple to release the iPad 3 ahead of schedule and are threatening to borrow tactics from protesters in Egypt and other countries.

Many have called for a "Release the 3" Day at 1 Infinite loop at Apple Headquarters in Silicon Valley. Others have been lost in level 4 of Angry Birds and have not been heard from since the release of the first iPad.

For Charlie Sheen, the whole iPad phenomenon is a mystery. He said, "Charlie Sheen does not need an iPad. I use the tablet in my head to calculate futures that others only dream of." Maybe there's a product in there somewhere.

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