What's He Going to Call Her in Public?

Who's that? Is this a joke? Who's that again? She has a four month old baby and she's hitting the campaign trail? Is she breastfeeding? Has she ever been called a "c***?"
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My responses to the Palin announcement in chronological order:

Who's that?

Is this a joke?

Who's that again?

She has a four month old baby and she's hitting the campaign trail?

Is she breastfeeding?

Does she know he has a history of abusing his wife in public?

Has she ever been called a "c***?"

Do they really think American women are that stupid?

A beauty queen?

Is she related to Katharine Harris?

Did the people who run his campaign know about this ahead of time?

What scandals is she embroiled in?

What was the last large animal she killed?

Does she pay her nanny's social security?

If the red phone rings in the middle of the night and she's breastfeeding, will she answer it?

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