The New Year of 2014 will commemorate the First World War, I will rewrite war songs.
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The New Year of 2014 will commemorate the First World War, I will rewrite war songs:BELLO CIAO

live Cyberpunk Girlfriend Band Belgrade

This early morningwithout a warning oh bello ciao bello ciao bello ciaociaociao

My soldier darling left our lovingand he went to fight a war

oh my brave soldierbe brave deserteroh bello ciao bello ciao bello ciao ciao ciaosince no weapon will be an apron when the bullet hits your balls

And your dear sisterwill bury a brotheroh bello ciao bello ciao bello ciaociaociaoIn the mountainsnext to a fountainso that we may find some rest

when younger soldierswith other loversoh bello ciao bello ciao bellociaociaociaosee there your flowersup in the mountainsthey will go back home in peace

and they will sing thento more desertersoh bello ciao bello ciao bello ciaociaociaothis is a flower of our freedom never kill another man

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