You're Not Back, Sarah Palin -- Hillary Clinton is Back

Today is a demonstration of disciplined power. Both rivals, and their spouses, gave up some power to negotiate Secretary of State Clinton's new role.
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It was a Thanksgiving weekend with a perfect visual: Sarah Palin doing a choice interview in front of turkey slaughtering. This is poetry. Now, just when the wheels looked like they were coming off the bus, Sarah Palin is going down to Georgia to help in the runoff like she helped John McCain.

Meantime, at POTUS-Elect central, Senator Clinton is being given the prime position in the new administration, on a day when Mumbai, India, Pakistan and terrorism are on everyone's minds.
This too seems poetic. Former rivals, coming together to fight the bad guys. The economy, even in Christmas season, taking a back seat, even on CyberMonday.

While Americans adjust to the new president, and the haze of suspended reality starts to give way to acceptance, there is an order to this world of chaos. You can read Obama's resume eight ways 'til Sunday. You can watch debate videos of Obama and Clinton going after each other. But today is a demonstration of disciplined power. Both rivals, and their spouses, gave up some power to negotiate Secretary of State Clinton's new role. What is not revealed is how their relationship will work, how their roles will play out, or what will happen in the world arena. What is revealed is that these two powerful people obviously respect each other's talents enough to work together for what they feel is the public good.

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