Presidential Candidates Missing Common Sense Strategies With the Millenials

Presidential Candidates Missing Common Sense Strategies With the Millenials
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In the well of progression lies sustainable wisdom and birthing of new ideas. Young adults are the bearers of much of that utility, and therefore ought essentially be considered fundamental to impelling our next presidential leader into office. While President Obama illuminated young voters' (age 18-30) optimism, therefore alluring them into his midst, there has yet to be a definitive campaign slogan quite as consequential as his from 2008 to emerge heading in to the 2012 elections.

President Obama has not fully ignited his campaign, despite millions of dollars and boisterous speeches to his name and party, and expectedly won't until the definitive target of attack emerges from the Republican primaries. Expect it to get dirty as the dueling inside in the GOP primaries has only warmed up whichever candidate egresses from the inquistive backhand shots of the democratic nominee -- likely President Obama. And, in that dueling, perhaps, we will see another lofty, largely unrealized promise by President Obama, of "hope" or "change" inveigling young adults to the president's doorstep. At least, he or his campaign managers should be congratulated for awakening the young demographic sleeping once cozily largely apathetic to politics. Yet, for many, the seemingly unfulfilled nature of President Obama's promises, as necessary as change may be and as genuinely or insincerely he was in making them, have sadly returned young adults back to hibernation.

For now, that simple, slamming slogan which possesses such power for coercion is nonexistent with President Obama and with the Republican presidential hopefuls. Indeed, Ron Paul materializes as the front runner in the category for intentionally or unintentionally cradling some young adults' interest momentarily with a mentality of minimizing wars and America's engagement in foreign nations. Yet, still there is not a simple catch phrase to accompany his ideology, like (as I refer to again) "hope" or "change." Any successful corporation knows the money is in the mantra or at least in the branding. Republican primary hopefuls could use a little of that across the board. Paul is sitting on a gold mine. He just hasn't fleshed it out. A simple catch phrase like "peace," although to many too trite, would do the trick. Unfortunately, the young adult voters are not the most informed heading to the polls, so no need to worry about the rest. Just give them a cookie so they can stay awake on Election Day.

If President Obama would like to recollect his marbles and try again, or if Republican presidential hopefuls really want the youth vote without digesting my first solution, here's the second common sense opportunity: How about charming Hollywood? President Obama to some extent got parts of it right in this area the first time around, and Republican candidates still seem to be missing it. Aside from some basic activities like fitness, socializing, reading -- Hollywood is the pulse of America and a portal through which to reach young voters.

Hollywood is brilliant in its creativity, so why not learn a lesson from it , dodging some of its amoral daggers while motivating your kids to vote. Combining politics and entertainment as much as many of us may wince at the idea is effective in solving the long discussed issue of captivating young people's attention. Even as I integrated the two concepts while I spoke with a group of young voters recently using celebrity issue standpoints as a forum to draw their attention to politics, three women in their early 20s in Hollywood approached me with a similar phrase of appreciation. One specifically said, "When you talked about your White House and other political experience and what is happening in the current political spectrum, I tuned you out. But, when you mentioned Eva Longoria and Jon Voight, I actually cared and could relate and now know the Republican candidates' names. Thank you." Give the young demographic a way to relate, and many will develop a palate for it over time without relying on Hollywood.

Unlike the Bible Belt South traditionally leaning red, Hollywood, with its strong Jewish assemblage, Hispanic/Asian immigrant population, and socially liberal film/TV industry, almost always goes blue. Logically, Republicans influencing the youth vote through Hollywood in the past has been like a valedictorian trying to win prom king/queen. I concede it has been tougher for Republicans historically to have this mechanism of influence simply because Hollywood is dominoes with everyone vying for the same jobs/popularity that so many say or do whatever is trendy to be accepted for roles or into circles. After all, it's what leads to the ill informed, deafening commentaries from many stars and Hollywood movers that many Americans care to hear less from at the dinner table. However, aside from the wagon, there are those on both sides of the isles who are informed and erudite like Eva Longoria, Harvey Weinstein, Jon Voight, and Gary Sinise, that are true resources for mobilizing younger generations' interests in informed voting. For Republicans, it may just take cracking several extra eggs at least for now to make the batter.

Essentially, it's all about execution as one brilliantly simple man once taught me, and speaking as one in this valuable young voting demographic, the two solutions presented are two power player strategies ready for the dice. Some politicians have the recipe. Few use it. And, while informed voting is atop my highest priorities as often those heading to the polls have little idea for what they're voting, it is first critical to simply awaken the young adult voter. Washington, D. C.. has no shortage of intrigue. It's why so many Hollywood movies are framed after it and why young adults flock to see its movies and shows. Now, in topic form only, I call on all of the 2012 presidential hopefuls to unite politics and Hollywood, perhaps America's most definitive product and export, and voila -- maybe they will have a presidential bid. And, if not, candidates will have a better chance of etching his/her imperative points in the minds of those in my generation, the millenials, who will handle all of our tomorrows.

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