4 Reasons Privacy Technology is the Next Great Trend in Startups

Why has user privacy become such an influential need for tech companies to serve?
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Privacy technology keeps user privacy a top priority no matter what -- and it's emerging as a major leading trend in the tech world.

Tech trends come and go at an astounding rate. By the time you think you've figured out where the market is, it's already somewhere else. Broad trends, like mobile technology, last for years with smaller technologies building around it, but smaller trends are more nimble and more difficult to predict.

Nevertheless, I believe the next hot trend for startup tech companies is already upon us in the form of technology geared toward protecting user privacy. Apps like Snapchat are already gaining massive popularity with the promise of never storing or releasing user information, and if my prediction is correct, companies like it will be enjoying a temporary but enormous surge in recognition.

Why has user privacy become such an influential need for tech companies to serve?

1.Technology is everywhere. Information access is no longer limited to a desktop at home. Everyone, everywhere has practically unlimited information access at their fingertips -- which means everyone feels more vulnerable, even if only slightly.

2.Big brother is watching. Recent data leaks and general suspicion that the NSA and other government organizations are collecting data on citizens' habits has also led to paranoia. People don't like to feel watched.

3.Social media is too social. Social media used to be a place for unique self-expression, but its ubiquity has made it a place where users must vigilantly filter themselves. Private tech allows for more genuine, consequence-free expression.

4.Data can be used against you. Whether it's your credit card number or your Google search history, your stored data can be used for evil. People are becoming more aware and afraid of this, and require a means to avoid it.

The desire for privacy isn't going away anytime soon. If you're looking to start a new tech company in the next year or two or if you're looking to find a new competitive advantage for your own line of tech products and services, keep this need in mind.

Jose Vasquez is a serial entrepreneur and tech enthusiast dedicated to helping startup technology companies get the direction and momentum they need to succeed. As the founder of Build. Brand. Blast., Jose has established a collective resource for tech entrepreneurs to consult when brainstorming, creating, launching, or expanding a new business. Jose is also the founder and CEO of Quez Media Marketing, a marketing firm that combines technology and creativity to help new and growing companies get the results they need.

Jose graduated from Goldman Sachs' 10,000 Small Businesses program. Goldman Sachs is a partner of the What Is Working: Small Businesses section.

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