Kristin Chenoweth Says: It Just Wouldn't Be Summer Without...

Breakfast with Kristen is like the universe telling me I can eat as many donuts as I want and not gain a pound. She is sweet, sassy, sticks to my ribs and dances on my heart in a way few do.
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Breakfast with Kristen is like the universe telling me I can eat as many donuts as I want and not gain a pound. She is sweet, sassy, sticks to my ribs and dances on my heart in a way few do. Am I fan? Absolutely and I say without reserve she is the real deal. While perky does not even begin to describe her she is the first to admit she has her share of "real" days as well and makes no apologies for being part of the human race where "stuff" happens.

She is also deliciously optimistic and endearing and makes me proud to call her exactly the kind of woman I would love to bring home to momma... If not for the fact that I'm gay. So what's happening with "KC?" Hold onto your seat as she is taking over the world as only she can.


Photo Credit: John Russo

Joshua Estrin: Last time we met it was still winter - What do you like most about summer?

Kristin Chenoweth: I love the fact that it allows me time to sing. To perform live in concert and connect with my audience in a way that television and movies don't. I feel part of the music and the experience and I hope that resonates in my performance. Music has always been a healing force in my life and in concert I feel I have the chance to share that healing power with the people who have continued to support me throughout my career.

JE: Do you have a favorite place you like to spend the summer months?

KC: Surprise, surprise I don't often give myself a great deal of downtime. But when a do a few days in "Cabo" always seems to renew my spirit. The sun, the surf and just eating and drinking everything and anything I want. I am learning I need do that more often but like so many people, this girl is still a work in progress.

JE: Finish this sentence - It just wouldn't be summer without..

KC: That one is simple! Concerts In Central Park. I love Los Angeles, but New York City has a special vibe for me and during the summer music in the park is simply what summer is all about

JE: You are someone who never seems to slow down so what's new on the 'KC Horizon'?

KC: Projects, projects, projects and that is when I am at my happiest. I have several concerts as I mentioned and one in my home town of Tulsa, Oklahoma at a theater they named after me. That concert is very special to me as it transcends any ego and allows my family name to be remembered. I am co-producing it with PBS and my portion of the proceeds will be donated back to the theatre to offer children and families the access and opportunity to live performance. I also have a project with Jennifer Lopez, a movie called "Boys Next Door" that I am very excited about as she is amazing to work with and somewhere in all that I am also recording a new album.

So in my spare time (she laughs) I also feel very lucky to have teamed up with AllState for a program called "Protect It Or Lose It". It encourages people to know the value of what they have before something catastrophic occurs. I really only connect with projects I feel I have personal experience with and this is no different. I had very bad water damage in my home in LA and to be honest I had to scramble for the proper receipts and documents. This program helps people get that all in order so should something happen they are ready to address the damage. I even got my parents on board and it is not easy to find something my father has not already taken care of so it was fun to offer dad an "A - Ha" moment.

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