Love the Free Presents: Erick Arc Elliott, Kali Uchis, Chelsea and T'Nah, and Alison Valentine

Love the Free Presents: Erick Arc Elliott, Kali Uchis, Chelsea and T'Nah, and Alison Valentine
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After the release of Love The Free Volume II, I wanted to share a bit more insight on the featured artists and their songs. Check out the details from Erick Arc Elliott, Kali Uchis, Chelsea & T'Nah, and Alison Valentine.



Name: Erick The Architect

Born and raised: Brooklyn, NY

Love The Free II featured track & inspiration:
"Acid Tabitha" When I first was introduced to chill wave music some years ago I was always inspired to fuse my style of hip-hop with floaty ambient weirdo stuff. I always imagined that this song was for a girl named Tabitha; a girl who enjoys the aspects of life we usually don't have the perspective to appreciate. Hence, "Acid", "Tab"-itha.

The song's color aura: Psychedelic swirls

Most embarrassing show moment:
I was performing at a Fools Gold event at SXSW and one of my sneakers came off while I was I was in the crowd with the people--once I hopped back on stage someone took my sneaker off so I had to perform in my socks for the rest of our set. I eventually got my sneaker back but it was still really weird to feel the stage with my toes and shit. Mad weird.

Spirit animal: Lion

Music essentials: Headphones, MIDI keyboard, something analog & and a microphone.

In a past life (I was a famous person, artists or profession...
In my past life I was probably Roy Ayers or Herbie Hancock. Just skinnier and lighter.

Brown or white liquor (vodka vs whiskey/henny):
I will die a Benny boy. That's brown baby.

Personal mantra: Architect your lifestyle

Music links and social networks:



Name: Kali Uchis

Born and raised: Pereira, Colombia / Virginia, United States.

Love The Free II featured track & inspiration: "Real", inspired by the trials and tribulations of avoiding frauds.

Song's color aura: Orange

Most embarrassing show moment: The venue sound was so cruddy that you couldn't hear the music, only the mic.

Spirit animal: Liger

Music essentials: hot tea

In a past life (I was a famous person, artists or profession...): I was Billie Holiday. She passed on my birthday.

Brown or white liquor (vodka vs whiskey/henny): Neither.

Personal mantra: I'd rather fail being original than succeed in imitation.

Music links and social networks:
Instagram: @KALIUCHIS_



Name: Chelsea Reject

Born and raised: Brooklyn

Love The Free II featured track & inspiration: "Everything Bend" (prod. Powers Pleasant) to me is about being in control of every element that makes you who you are. It's about knowledge and knowledge of thyself.

The song's color aura: Dark blue

Most embarrassing show moment: The first time I ever performed with T'nah officially I was very nervous before the show. I'd eaten a shit ton of pizza and my stomach was not happy to be a part of me. Right before we had to go on I threw up. I have no idea what caused it to this day. Probably that pizza. The show went great but even to this day I don't favor pizza as much as I used to.

Spirit animal: Dragon (but a gentle sensitive one who breaths lots of fire).

Music essentials: I need to listen to a lot of different music or my day isn't right. I listen to a lot of local talent as well as everything else. Above all I need to have hip-hop and ambient music.

In a past life (I was a famous person, artists or profession...): In my past life I was definitely a film maker or a director of some sort. I see everything like cinematography. I hope to co-write some comedy one day.

Brown or white liquor (vodka vs whiskey/henny): I'm a whiskey girl but I only drink socially.

Personal mantra: Don't quit.

Music links and social networks: @chelseareject


Name: T'nah APEX

Born and raised: Born in Bk. Raised upstate NY, then in brooklyn since age 12.

Love The Free II featured track & inspiration: The track, "Everything Bend", to me was inspired by knowledge of self - therefore knowledge of the world around you. And self respect, which is then knowing how to make wise moves based on what you know, or you'll get bit. Everything Bend just says, "Evil wont bite me. Can't".

The song's color aura: I would say purple. Fiery Words.

Most embarrassing show moment: Hmm. I don't know. I fell once. Oh when I was in 6th grade, I did a mandatory performance at this summer thing upstate. My legs were very visibly and uncontrollably shaking for everyone to see as I sang haha. Got a standing ovation to ease the pain though!

Spirit animal: I don't know yet. Elephant or Cat maybe?

Music essentials: Inspiring playlists with your family and friends on it.

In a past life (I was a famous person, artists or profession...): Probably a counselor of some sort... who also painted and healed!

Brown or white liquor (vodka vs whiskey/henny): Brown, I don't drink though.

Personal mantra: Just do it.

Music links and social networks:



Name: Alison Valentine

Born and raised: Glen Rock, NJ

Love The Free II featured track & inspiration: ' Pixie dust '

Outer space mermaids , wavy escapades on the rooftop of Le Bain, Japanese dream Girl Eri Nagai, stars, drugs.

"Our Little Secret " - The Virgin suicides, Britney Spears, The Knife, The Craft, Midsummer Nights' dreams, twinkling lights, Snow.

The songs' color aura:
Pixie Dust - Silver glitter spice

Our Little Secret - The Dawn

Most embarrassing show moment:

Last year I opened for Moon Boots at a club in Los Angeles but didn't have time to sound check. As a result I found myself inside of a feedback loop during the performance and all of a sudden a crazy drunk guy jumped on stage and snatched away my mic. I punched him and he flew off the stage, and that was end of that! Luckily afterwards everyone buzzed about that violent streak instead of calling out the sound situation.

Spirit animal: Baby panther

Music essentials: A groove, a feeling, A notebook, a keyboard, Prince, Mariah, Michael, Janet, Cashmere Cat and DT 790 studio headphones

In a past life (I was a famous person, artists or profession...):
I was Latina, I was ballet dancer. I drifted along a soft Swiss meadow with flowers in my hair.

Brown or white liquor (vodka vs whiskey/henny): Whiskey coca cola with extra cherries
Personal mantra: Do your best, be kind, trust your intuition.

Music links and social networks:

Listen to 'Love The Free Volume II' in full here:

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