Bedside Clutter: Confessions of a Bookworm

On my bedside table sits a clock, a lamp, pens, a notebook, my Kindle, Chap Stick, lavender oil, earplugs and a mountain of books. I doubt I'm alone with my plethora of reading material -- the earplugs, okay, maybe.
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On my bedside table sits a clock, a lamp, pens, a notebook, my Kindle, Chap Stick, lavender oil, earplugs and a mountain of books. I doubt I'm alone with my plethora of reading material -- the earplugs, okay, maybe. Hardcovers and paperbacks, good lord there's even a complete course of basic to intermediate Spanish CD's. Not that I have a CD player nearby. I remember seeing it about a month ago while sorting through a pile of 'stuff' in the garage. But hey, at least I'm thinking about increasing my language skills.

I have my go to reads, the books that make me laugh: Merrill Markoe's Cool, Calm & Contentious, and who can live without a copy of Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris? And the cross over reads -- the books I read when I don't know if I want to laugh or cry and we're out of chocolate. Paul Rudnick's Gorgeous, is my go to chocolate fix, along with Paulo Coelho's By The River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept. That one gets me every time...

The American Heritage dictionary is on the bottom of the pile (a thrilling read), and above that little rollicking edition sits a copy of Dante's The Divine Comedy. Okay, I just pulled that one out of there and onto my desk. Next in line is Neil Young's Waging Heavy Peace followed by the most recent addition to the pile, The Grace Keepers by Kirsty Logan.

And then there's my Kindle...

The following are waiting to be read: The Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft (a recommend from one of my sons), Problem with your credit card...oops, forget that, and The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman.

The on order line-up: Veronica by Siobhan Daiko, and Stiletto--the follow up to the marvelously entertaining The Rook, by Daniel O'Malley. Tonight I shall finish The Last Stitch by Prue Batten and hopefully sleep--oh how I welcome that anomaly!

And my iPhone...

I'm on round two of Malcolm Gladwell's, David and Goliath. Audio books are fab for road trips and hearing him recite his own book is such a treat.

I gaze across at my husband's bedside table. God it's so neat! A lamp, an iHome, the latest edition of Rolling Stone, a cycling magazine, and Laurel Canyon: The Inside Story of Rock and Roll's Legendary Neighborhood by Michael Walker. Every night he tells me that I need to read it. Read it? I can barely read the title...very cosmic cover. And besides, why read it when I enjoy my sweet man's nightly anecdotes?

So what's on your bedside table/nightstand? I'm curious...

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