Lead With Impact and Purpose: Create Positive Energy in the Workplace and Your Community

When you've joined the ranks of the "rich and famous," remember that your commitment to being a good corporate citizen is what has set you far apart from those who remain unfulfilled through just accumulating.
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I hope everybody could get rich and famous and will have everything they ever dreamed of, so they will know that it's not the answer.
Jim Carrey

A lot of people in Corporate America are under the belief that only if they were paid more, they'd feel a lot happier in their career. Being rich can have its perks. Money buys you freedom. It also can give you piece of mind. Plus, buying the stuff you dream of can give you a buzz similar to having a bit too much coffee. In the end though, that buzz is typically short-lived. As humans, we crave more. And the more money and more stuff don't necessarily translate into fulfillment. This isn't about espousing that money is evil or that you shouldn't buy things you value. However, money is a tool and not the end game to what gives you meaning in life. Your salary isn't what will make you jump out of bed in the morning excited about what lies ahead in your day.

Feeling like your life has a purpose and you're creating impact is what makes you jump out excitedly every morning. Purpose and impact are what energize you and keep you motivated when you think about that 1.5 hour commute in, the boss who can be demeaning at times, the colleague who is hyper-competitive, and the client who is never satisfied. People who have found the answer and know that getting rich and famous isn't everything are typically those who have added a commitment to a cause to their career. They've become rich and famous through creating meaningful experiences, which have enriched their lives and set them apart from the herd. They've experienced professional success beyond their wildest dreams.

Here's how you can easily delight the workplace and your community to be among those who have the answer:

  • Pick your cause. Corporate sustainability programs are the "rage" these days. However, it's not just about greening the workplace, corporate sustainability is also focused on fiscal accountability, as well as social programs. You might be someone who loves numbers and who derives great satisfaction from coming up with cost-containing measures or operational efficiencies.
  • Make a name for yourself. Using the above example, if you're committed to finding financial solutions for your company, start doing your research and preparing recommendations. Get in front of an internal sustainability working group if it exists, talk to your boss, reach out to the head of operations or have coffee with the financial decision-makers. Share your ideas.
  • Learn to go rogue. This isn't about going vigilante, but understanding that there is always resistance to change. You'll find a lot of folks within the corporate world resisting ideas because it's "not the way we've always done business". If you're adamant about your cause, learn to accept rejection and still push forward.
  • Share with others. In this case, you're sharing with the community and stakeholders outside of your organization. Participate in panels, conferences, networking events and media requests to enlighten others on what you have accomplished with your focus on social activism. Be responsible for spreading word about how your initiatives are positively impacting your workplace. Be a role model to motivate others to jump into action as well.

When you've joined the ranks of the "rich and famous," remember that your commitment to being a good corporate citizen is what has set you far apart from those who remain unfulfilled through just accumulating.

I would love to hear your thoughts on how you've been able to integrate your need to have an impact on this planet into your everyday living and career. What motivated you to move forward? Please comment below.

Also, I'd love to have you visit my website to get more tips on how to lead with soul and purpose in life and business.

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