Check out the House That FreeFest Built

Check out the House That FreeFest Built
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I am so excited about being able to share this story. Not only have I been wanting to visit the House that FreeFest built ever since I heard about it, I actually drove from Los Angeles to the Virgin Mobile RE*Generation House. What made this road trip so amazing, is I did the very best I could to highlight the crisis of youth homelessness in our country along the way.

The RE*Generation House is a partnership with the Sasha Bruce Youthworks, one of the largest and most experienced providers of services to youth in Washington, DC. Young adults going through the transitional program receive the support needed to rebuild their lives.

FreeFest is kind of like a concert created through Virgin Mobile's RE*Generation program, but I consider it more of a movement to help homeless youth. As a result of the last four FreeFests, nearly $800,000 has been raised and nearly 75,000 volunteer hours and 25,000 hygiene kits have been donated. FreeFest fans actually funded the development of "The RE*Generation House by Virgin Mobile," where Andrea and several other young people now call home!

Now thanks to a partnership with Sevenly and Virgin Mobile, an additional $60,000 (and growing) has been raised to help fight youth homelessness. The campaign started September 16th and runs until Monday morning at 9:59am PST. That means you still have time to visit and for every purchase, $7 will go to fight youth homelessness. ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT to look good and do good helping kids who need some extra love, so please visit and let's raise another $25,000 before this campaign ends.

Another highlight of this trip was being about to meet and interview Deborah Shore, the founder of Sasha Bruce Youthworks, Deborah has been helping troubled and "at risk" youth for over three decides, and I could not help and be in awe of her wealth of compassion and knowledge. Please watch and share this very cool video about youth homelessness and how your support of Virgin Mobile RE*Generation House is making a difference.

Very special thanks to Ford for loaning me a C-Max Enegri for this trip

This Invisible People road trip is made possible by Sevenly and Virgin Mobile USA, who are partnering to end youth homelessness through Virgin Mobile USA's initiative, RE*Generation. For more information please click here.

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