The Week's Top 5 Funniest Videos: Jack Black, Zach Galifianakis, Conan O'Brien and more

Each week, I post the five funniest videos from the past week right here for you to enjoy. And this week, Jack Black was thankfully back in-mode.
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Each week, I post the five funniest videos from the past week's Gotcha Media right here for you to enjoy. If I missed anything good, please don't hesitate to correct me in the comments below.

Jack Black was back in
School of Rock
-mode this week,
with children as Nathan Spewman, professional mis-informant in a new Web series
by Health Care for America Now. While it sort of feels like this campaign is about a year too late, it's good to see Jack Black using his comedy skills for good as he did so
in "Prop 8 the Musical."
Zach Galifianakis somehow found some time outside of his busy schedule of
to release a
episode of
This week, his guest was Ashton's dad Bruce Willis, who didn't say word until about two minutes into the interview.
Conan O'Brien's TBS and AT&T-backed
in advance of his
's November 8 start date. At least I think it starts November 8, since that's the date I have drilled into my brain. While I had thought the
would be the most ridiculous thing they would create to promote the show, I was proven wrong this week when they released
mini-action movie spot in which Conan drives an explosives-packed car off a cliff.
The big question on everyone's mind this week in the lead-up to the
30 Rock
live episode was, "can they pull it off?" The cast and crew
not just one, but two live shows on Thursday night with
mistakes. I have to say that I agree with Tracy Jordan that it would have been fun to see someone break, but unlike Liz Lemon, Tina Fey is just too professional for that. Of all the guest stars, the most unexpected was also the most fun. The
to cast Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Liz Lemon in the flashback scenes was simply brilliant.
The final video of the week
from the always reliable Pee-wee Herman, who showed up on Jimmy Fallon's show this week to take a tandem bike ride around the studio with the host and
about his new Broadway show. Fallon looked like he was simultaneously fearing for his life and having the time of his life, trading "I know you are but what am I?" lines back and forth with Pee-wee.
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