Kansas Dems Deliver Petition Against Opting Out of Reform

Kansas Dems Deliver Petition Against Opting Out of Reform
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Today's focus is on the important elections happening all across the country but we wanted to take a few moments to update you on our campaign at KansasDeservesReform.com.

Last week, extremist Republicans in the Kansas legislature were quick to propose a bill opting our state out of benefits of health insurance reform, and we wasted no time responding. Over the last week we've been collecting the names of thousands of Kansans all across the state who deserve to participate in the same reforms as every other state.

I'm happy to report that in just six days nearly 8,000 Kansans signed the petition -- and that number continues to grow by the day! We just delivered the initial names to legislative leaders in the state legislature. Because of the hard working efforts of thousands, there is now no denying that here is a strong pro-reform movement in our state -- and our leaders know it.

So we're moving on to our next step: letters to your local newspaper.

There is no better advocate for reform then you, so we've put together a hub with talking points and information for local Kansas newspapers. If you'd like to write a letter, please click here to read the talking points and find a local newspaper.

For reference, here's the text of the petition:

"Americans are on the brink of benefiting from substantive and meaningful health insurance reform. Unfortunately, Republican legislators in Kansas are moving quickly to opt out of the reform and deny Kansans the options that will be made available to consumers in other states. Kansas deserves the opportunity to benefit from that legislation -- not failed leadership from extreme right-wing politicians looking to score cheap political points."

Please, take 1-2 minutes to sign the petition if you haven't or write a letter to the editor. Here are some other ways you can help.

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Here is the email we just sent out to our supporters:

Friend --

I just delivered the names of thousands of Kansans who signed our petition demanding our state have an opportunity to benefit from the health insurance reform options being debated in Congress. The response has been overwhelming -- in one week, nearly 8,000 Kansans from across the state urged lawmakers to reject this extreme measure.

If passed, this bill would eliminate the best hope of affordable health coverage for many Kansans. Thanks to your efforts, Gov. Parkinson and legislative leaders on both sides of the aisle know that there is strong support behind real reform.

Now is the time for right-wing Republicans like Mary Pilcher-Cook, Peggy Mast, and Brenda Landwehr to show real leadership and work towards solutions that will impove health care for all Kansans. Just saying "no" is not a solution. That's why it's so important we share our message in our local communities today.

Can you take a minute and write a letter to your local newspaper about real reform?

Many of you included personal messages to our state leaders.

Jared from Topeka talked about his struggle to find quality insurance as a cancer survivor. Pam from Ellsworth called on state legislators to put aside their own agendas, and do what's right by the people of Kansas. Kathy from Wichita talked about how our country is on the verge of a historic moment.

Thanks to everyone who took a few moments to sign the petition, share your health care stories, and made calls in support of this effort. Because of you, we're one step closer to real reform in Kansas.

Spread the word about these and other powerful stories by writing a letter to the editor today:


Thanks for all that you do,

Kenny JohnstonExecutive Director - Kansas Democratic Party

P.S. Only you can make the best case for reform - write a letter to your local newspaper today!

Thanks for your continued support!

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