A Few Things I Know About the Real Me

A Few Things I Know About the Real Me
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The older I get, the more I desire to be true to myself.

That can be a little tricky for women. We have so many faces.

I see my husband - and other men - who seem to have one role, one face. "This is who I am." they say. And it is who they are all the time. At work, at home, with their buddies - basically the same guy.

But I see women who are mostly like me. We glide from one role to another. We morph and change situationally. Mom and sexpot. Business executive and daughter. Artist and Nurse. Diplomat and housekeeper. Sometimes all in the same day.

I want to be true to myself. But I've never been quite sure who that is.

As I get older though, I see that all my various Selves are merging. My multiple personalities are dwindling down. I'm more me.

I'm a laugher. I laugh a lot at both at the office and at home. I even laugh in Yoga. I don't save it for just one of my personas. Life is mostly ridiculous. Laughing is my consistency.

I'm patient. I wait my turn in line. I stop and let the guy in the beat-up Chevy make a left-hand turn. I listen to my husband tell the same story for the sixteenth time. I try not to kill the dog.

I'm an introvert. Oh, I'm a good storyteller and I like people. But I need my quiet time to recharge. I don't get my energy from hoopla and hubbub. I don't like team projects at the office and I don't particularly like parties. Leave me alone. Let me think.

I'm rational and cautious. I think through my decisions. I'm not much of a risk-taker. (Although I also know that many things I thought were risks are absolutely not.) And despite my tendency to see the funny side in everything, I'm not emotional. I may be a laugher, but I'm not a crier.

And in addition to being rational, I'm also a rationalizer. Consistency? It's my consistent failing. It may be admirable that I am quick to forgive, but I am also incapable of holding anyone responsible. I'm a terrible boss. I hate to address performance - I rarely even ask for performance. I correct subordinates' mistakes after they go home. I make excuses for everyone. Most especially, I make excuses for myself.

So I'm not perfect. Which always surprises me. But there's the plus side - that I can laugh at myself and forgive myself.

And I like myself. In truth, I mostly liked all the various personalities and roles I've taken on over the years. But even more, I love the unique and consonant person I've become.


Read more from Nancy at her blog, Not Quite Old.

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