For 50th Anniversary of March on Washington, Pictures of Places That Helped Shape the Civil Rights Movement

Historic sites that represent the fight for equality in America are essential to telling the full story of this important chapter of our nation's history.
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The 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28 is cause for reflection on the people and places that helped shape the civil rights movement. Historic sites that represent the fight for equality in America are essential to telling the full story of this important chapter of our nation's history. Below is a slideshow of five endangered and five preserved sites that the National Trust for Historic Preservation has identified as emblematic of the struggle for civil rights.

The National Trust for Historic Preservation has worked closely with the communities of several of these sites to help bring their personal stories to the public such as the Malcolm X House. The National Trust named the Malcolm X House to its portfolio of National Treasures and is working diligently to raise funds to preserve it. To learn more, visit

For more information on how you could help any of the endangered sites on the list visit,

#1 Endangered

Five endangered and five preserved historic sites that symbolize the struggle for civil rights

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