Church building

Alex Garcia, a Honduran immigrant, has been living inside a Missouri church since 2017 to avoid deportation.
Pastors are trying to figure out ways to spread the word of God without spreading the coronavirus.
Most churches are livestreaming Easter Sunday services -- but some are planning to defy government restrictions on in-person gatherings.
The march came after immigration officials arrested 680 migrants last week at seven poultry plants in Mississippi, leaving many children without their parents.
After a year prepping for confirmation, eight teens Omaha’s First United Methodist Church declined to join the UMC, saying its anti-LGBTQ policies are "immoral."
Anti-LGBTQ churches who want to appear progressive often obscure their traditional views. Elizabeth Lowe's death shows why that is dangerous.
Still, some feel that the World Meeting of Families gesture was ultimately hollow.
The largest association of American Catholic nuns says the church should hold abusers accountable.
"Humanae Vitae" continues to have little real impact on the choices of American Catholic women.