Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

Civil liberties and privacy advocates said the renewal did not do enough to protect Americans from being spied upon.
After a week of wrangling, the bill will go to the Senate with a shorter renewal period than originally sought.
The fight against renewing the government’s post-9/11 intelligence gathering law has split Congress in unusual ways.
President Donald Trump's veto threat, along with progressive complaints, helped derail a vote on major domestic surveillance programs.
The push to prevent warrantless government surveillance of Americans' search history under FISA hit a roadblock this week.
The Republican-controlled Senate came unexpectedly close to passing protections around internet browsing — and it's putting pressure on the House to now take it seriously.
The public deserves a full picture for "informed debate," the Times argues in its request.
“There is a little bit of sweet revenge in it for me and certainly probably the family," he said.
Their current concern doesn't square with their past votes on surveillance.
#ReleaseTheMemo is the latest way Republicans on Capitol Hill are trying to undermine the Mueller probe.