Governor of Puerto Rico

A Harvard study released this week estimated more than 4,600 were dead as a result of Hurricane Maria.
In our polarized nation in this difficult time, there is something reassuring about the sight of people helping.
PREPA's executive director announced the decision Sunday, hours after the U.S. territory's governor called for the contract's termination.
The contract has come under increased criticism after it was revealed that the terms were obtained without a public bid process.
Ricardo Rosselló wants the islanders to be treated equally to any other U.S. citizens after a disaster.
“These people are going to die. The help is not really there for them.”
The territory, whose 3.4 million residents are American citizens, declared bankruptcy in May.
Without “extraordinary measures to address the halt in economic activity ... the humanitarian crisis will deepen,” he says.
Never underestimate the government's ability to exploit a disaster via privatization.
Time and time again Puerto Rico’s openness, kindness and sense of community leave me speechless. The response to Hurricane Maria is no exception.