Al Franken

The former senator has been gradually returning to public life after he resigned over sexual misconduct allegations from eight women.
The 2020 Democratic candidate has faced fury from progressives, who blame her for Franken’s downfall amid sexual misconduct accusations.
The "Veep" star and supporter of Christine Blasey Ford clarified for Time that her “default position is to believe victims.”
Susie Buell Tompkins decried Gillibrand's push for Franken to quit the Senate. But Harris also called for him to resign.
Democratic Party donors are furious at her for holding her male colleague accountable. Their anger is misplaced.
But she's hitting back, saying if Democratic donor George Soros is truly mad at her, "that's on him."
He also said he missed his old job in his first interview since leaving the Senate.
"He’s my brother, so it’s hard. I may not have a very clear perspective on it, but I’m trying to.”
The public defense of NBC's Tom Brokaw derails a much-needed conversation about sexual harassment and sends a dangerous message to employees.
Lindsey Port accused another man of harassment. But fellow Democrats say she "softened the ground" for Franken's resignation.