Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Midterm Elections 2018: Progressive New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won her race for a U.S. House seat making her the youngest woman ever elected to congress
At 29, the progressive Democrat is the youngest woman ever elected to Congress.
Progressive newcomer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one of several barrier-breaking women of color headed to Congress.
The progressive congressional candidate told Jimmy Kimmel she gets recognized all the time.
Meet Kerri Evelyn Harris, the Air Force veteran from Delaware that ran for Senate against a three-term incumbent. Days after losing her own primary, Kerri hit the streets of New York City with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez to campaign for other progressive Democrats on the eve of their primaries.
Meet Kerri Evelyn Harris, the Air Force veteran from Delaware that ran for Senate against a three-term incumbent. Days after losing her own primary, Kerri hit the streets of New York City with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez to campaign for other progressive Democrats on the eve of their primaries.
“Alexandria, Ilhan, Ayanna. I love these names!” said candidate Rashida Tlaib at a summit celebrating barrier-breaking women of color in politics.
Ben Shapiro challenged Ocasio-Cortez to a debate and offered her campaign $10,000 if she participated.
“Why is it that our pockets are only empty when it comes to education and health care for our kids?" the Democratic congressional candidate inquired.