Angela Merkel

The German chancellor criticized “walls” throughout her Harvard University commencement address, a swipe at the president's anti-immigration rhetoric.
When the fan jumped out of her van to take a photo of the German leader at Dortmund airport, she forgot to put the parking brake on, causing the vehicle to collide with the nose of the jet.
The president's daughter-in-law and 2020 campaign adviser called immigration "one of the worst things that ever happened to Germany."
The chancellor pointed out that the German cars most at risk of being deemed a "national security threat" are made in America.
Macron spoke out against the dangers of nationalism, an ideology Trump has openly embraced in recent speeches.
President dodges trip to honor U.S. war dead in France due to weather. Critics show how another leader behaved.
Winston Churchill's grandson calls Trump "pathetic."
But party sources said Germany's Merkel wants to remain chancellor until 2021, when the next federal election is due.
The Christian Social Union acquired only about 36 percent of the vote, losing its absolute majority.
Trump can’t seem to play nice with any of his peers.