Animal Cruelty

Earlier this year, Congress made it more difficult for the VA to use dogs in medical research.
"He didn't even know how many dogs he had," a humane society police officer said.
The dogs were tied to heavy chains that the sheriff compared to "logging chains."
The man who discovered the body of the latest cat called the scene "gut-wrenching."
The German shepherd Kaos worked for weeks in 2016 helping find survivors of an Italian earthquake.
A "pipe-type object" was thrust down some of the dogs' throats to damage their vocal cords, authorities said.
The state attorney's office said the teacher did not intend to "torture or torment" the animals.
The perpetrator in Wales barbarically left the little creature to die, but it survived.
“It was like walking through hell," an animal advocate said.
Animal welfare groups are urging people to keep pets inside and warm.