
Though she's glad she had kids, the talk show host appeared exasperated by the thought of Arizona lawmakers preventing others from making their own choice.
The former secretary of state discussed reproductive rights during a Monday appearance on "The Kelly Clarkson Show."
The 1864 law would make abortion illegal except for pregnancies that threaten the life of the patient. It makes no exceptions for rape or incest.
The vice president hosted a campaign event in Tucson following the Arizona Supreme Court's ruling this week that allows an 1864 abortion ban to go into effect.
Overturning Roe set reproductive rights back 50 years. Arizona’s ruling sets it back 160.
"The Daily Show" correspondent hits back at Mark Simone's bizarre abortion claim.
The Fox News host's spin came after Democrats in the state legislature tried to do just that — but were blocked by Republicans.
The president reacted after Arizona's Supreme Court ruled that a 160-year-old law criminalizing most abortions could be reinstated.
“I am a mom, I am a brand new grandma, and I support life,” the Iowa Republican senator said, addressing the Arizona Supreme Court’s ruling on the procedure.
When state after state restricts abortion access ― sometimes via unelected judges ― access is endangered for millions of people in neighboring states, too.